Jesus is the greatest example of what it means to give your life in serving others. As his followers, we are to do just that—follow his lead in serving. For it's in giving our lives away, not in trying to get the most out of life for ourselves, that we discover true life. God's people should be a light in the darkness, giving light to those who are lost. We share the hope of Christ and the message of reconciliation with God through Christ. We also champion the cause of the marginalized and act on God's behalf where there is suffering and injustice, bringing God's Kingdom to a broken world. Because, as followers of Jesus, we are identified by our love for one another, we are marked by our mission of reaching others with Christ's love.

Luke 3:11

John answered, "Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same." - Luke 3:11 (NIV)

Over the last several years we have shared a great partnership with a local community organization, the Preble County Food Pantry. We partner with them to meet the needs of those in Preble County with food collection and monetary donations. The food pantry and emergency assistance program provides food and emergency financial assistance for shelter, utilities and medications to individuals in need in Preble County.

Luke 3:11 is a reminder of this call for us to share in the name of Christ.

Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. —Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT)

God's desire is for all people everywhere to come to know his love as demonstrated in Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross. This unmerited grace isn't for any particular people group in any particular time. So we choose to answer God's call to go into all the world to share his love with others who, while they may not look or talk like we do, are not any different from us, for we are all in need of God's free gift of grace.

Eaton Community Church sponsors and/or encourages trips throughout the year. To learn more about upcoming short-term mission trips, contact the office.

We partner with the H.I.T. Foundation to help Preble County Seniors with spring clean-up, repairs, and construction of wheelchair ramps.

Every second Saturday of the Month (April through October), people from ECC help Seniors locally in need.

For more information on upcoming projects contact 2nd Saturday.